In the workplace, there are usually types of people. The first type of employee always has the time to easily do complete the things that should be done. Then there is the second type of employee who is always cramming to complete tasks or work things out at the last minute. One of the major
How To Manage Your Time to Achieve Your Goals

When Is The Right Time To Self-Promote? When Less Is More …

There’s a time and place for everything. This applies knowing when to self-promote. Self-promotion is “selling” your strengths and abilities to whomever you want to listen. There are times when self-promotion gets you the desired outcome but there also times when it brings an undesired outcome. Here are times when self-promotion is a
Three simple tips to get your life balance back

Ladies you know that most of us live busy lives. We get so caught up with “stuff” that our cup gets too full and we no longer feel balanced. Sadly, a lack of balance in daily life can lead to unhappiness, and it can even have long term negative consequences on your health. Thankfully,
Finding the Path to Inner Peace

What does it mean to have inner peace? In this “always in a rush” world, it can be challenging to establish and maintain feelings of inner peace. But if you work on it, you can discover how to cultivate a calm life that’s free of pettiness and turmoil. Apply these ideas and strategies to
3 Easy Ways to Add Joy to Your Daily Routines

Most of us live busy lives. Often, we’re so busy juggling tasks and responsibilities that we forget to take the time to do the things that bring us happiness. Unfortunately, a lack of joy in your daily life can lead to unhappiness, and it can even have long term negative consequences on your
3 Crucial Steps to Healing a Broken Heart

The pain that we feel when our relationship with someone we love is ended can be very intense. Common symptoms of a broken heart include sadness, crying, and feeling physical aches and pains in the heart and body. Symptoms of your grief can interfere with your health, well-being, and ability to function
Set Yourself Free by Leaving Your Past Behind

Everyone has a past. You’ve experienced exciting moments and wonderful memories that you’ll keep with you forever. Yet, you’ve also likely been through situations that were challenging and full of heartache. Certain things are always better left in the past. But how? Put this knowledge to work to actively let go of your past: