Ladies you know that most of us live busy lives. We get so caught up with “stuff” that our cup gets too full and we no longer feel balanced. Sadly, a lack of balance in daily life can lead to unhappiness, and it can even have long term negative consequences on your health.
Thankfully, you can begin to get your life balance back by incorporating these three simple tips into your daily routine.
- Take time each day to focus on the activities that bring you happiness. Whenever you are feeling low, take a break and focus on something makes you feel happy or content.
- Simple things like drinking your favourite cup of herbal tea, calling a friend or saying a prayer
- Speak a blessing. If you are having a challenging day, stop for a moment and speak a blessing over yourself.
- Start with a statement like I am blessed because…. Use a journal to keep track of each statement. This way you can always turn to your list of completed statements if you get stuck one day and can’t come up with one.
- Do something different. The old adage, “familiarity breeds contempt,” continues to hold true. Tell yourself that “difference breeds discovery.”
- Take new route to work, read a book from an unexplored genre or even try a new recipe.
Remember that life balance is really about taking the time to do things that bring happiness into your life. The small moments of happiness can add up to a life time of balance.