There’s a time and place for everything. This applies knowing when to self-promote.
Self-promotion is “selling” your strengths and abilities to whomever you want to listen. There are times when self-promotion gets you the desired outcome but there also times when it brings an undesired outcome.
Here are times when self-promotion is a good idea:
- During a job interview. During the job interview, selling yourself as the ideal candidate is a great idea.
- Before the interview, make a mental note of your strongest assets and highlight them.
- While you are selling yourself during the interview, avoid being boastful and self-centered. Display confidence and stay poised during a job interview.
- When seeking clients. By self-promoting, you can show your clients what they’re choosing to work with somebody who knows how to handle their business.
- Make sure you provide examples of your work as part of your pitch. Give example of great service that you have given to clients.
- Don’t let the client feel like they need you. When you are talking about your achievements, make sure your customers know how great it would be to serve them. They’ll appreciate feeling important!
- As you’re choosing a work team. If you end up in the position where you’re able to choose your own work team, sell the positives of working with you. Let others know that joining your team brings wonderful experiences and great rewards.
- What you bring to the table is only part of the equation. Take some time to listen to everyone’s ideas. Others like to feel included.
- Spend more time talking about what you can do together as a team.
When is talking too much about yourself can seem self-centered:
- When giving a reference. When someone asks you to give a reference on their behalf, it’s all about them. It isn’t a time to talk about your ability to identify people’s good characteristics.
- It’s okay to talk about how long you’ve known the individual you’re speaking about. It is ill-advised to mention how you helped shape them.
- As part of a successful team effort. Working as part of a winning team means each party shares in the victory. Even if you feel you’ve put in more work, it’s unwise to say so in search of greater recognition.
- The easiest way to lose respect of others is to boast about your input in a team effort. This is an easy way for others not to like you.
- When being reprimanded. If your employer reprimands you for an action, it’s likely because it’s inappropriate or unacceptable. Your strong points carry no weight in such situations.
- If your employer recognizes an unacceptable performance, chances are they’ll notice a great performance, too. You’ll be commended soon enough.
These examples show that there are times when saying less has a greater impact. Be wise about your assessment of appropriateness when it comes to self-promotion. It is important to create a balance with those you co-exist with.